
Shady Susie Lee:

The Most Corrupt
Member of Congress

Things are more expensive, but I won't apologize for it.

Susie Lee is the most corrupt member of congress


Shady Susie pushed for legislation giving casinos access to federal Paycheck Protection Program loans.

Lee and her casino-owning family members pocketed $5.6 million in loans that Uncle Sam forgave, meaning multi-millionaire Lee managed to get struggling taxpayers to give her $5.6 million in free money.

No federal lawmaker has made as many improper stock trades over the past 6 years as Shady Susie. Despite being warned multiple times, Lee continues to refuse to properly disclose her insider trading that has made her and her family millions of dollars since she has been in Congress.

No federal lawmaker has made as many improper stock trades over the past 6 years as Shady Susie. Despite being warned multiple times, Lee continues to refuse to properly disclose her insider trading that has made her and her family millions of dollars since she has been in Congress.

The IRA gave massive tax breaks and handouts to semiconductor companies and green energy-related businesses. Before the IRA passed, Susie Lee knew to buy thousands of dollars’ worth of Teledyne Technologies shares (the company makes both semiconductors and green energy tech and benefitted from the IRA). After the IRA passed, the stock price soared, and Shady Susie sold her shares of Teledyne Technologies for a 76% return.

Shady Susie says she “supports legislation to crack down on these Big Corporate Landlords who are buying up homes and jacking up prices for working families, seniors, and veterans.” In reality, she is a Big Corporate Landlord who owns more than 20 rental and personal homes, preventing 20 families from living their dream of home ownership.

Despite being a multi-millionaire, Susie Lee racked up more than $1,300 in penalty and interest payments for unpaid property taxes in Nevada and Texas on some of her 21 homes. She also had seven separate liens filed against three Las Vegas properties for unpaid sewer and solid-waste service bills, according to a Las Vegas Review-Journal investigation.

nevada rep susie lee
nevada rep susie lee

Susie Lee votes with the Radical Left 100% of the time

Shady Susie claims to be “the most bi-partisan member of Congress.”

That’s a huge lie.

In reality, Susie voted with the Biden/Harris agenda 100% of the time during the 117th Congress, according to ABC News and FiveThirtyEight.

Susie Lee even voted with unpopular far-left former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi 99% of the time during both the 116th Congress and the 117th Congress.

Susie Lee Supports efforts to increase the cost of living for nevadans


Shady Susie opposed commonsense legislation to streamline permitting for new homes, which would’ve lowered costs and reduced construction time.

Susie Lee voted to give the IRS $80 billion through the Inflation Reduction Act. Much of that money was used crack down underreported tips and collect even more money from Southern Nevada’s dealers, servers, barbers, valets, nail techs, bartenders, and other service industry workers.

Susie Lee opposed a number of bills aimed at increasing domestic energy production, enhancing the supply of gasoline and diesel, and driving down the cost Southern Nevadans pay at the pump.

Susie Lee supports ending the Trump tax cuts, which are set to expire in 2025.

Middle-class Americans earning $50,000 to $100,000 received a tax break of 17% as a result of the 2017 tax reform law.

Susie Lee wants to ELIMINATE those tax cuts and increase taxes on hard-working Southern Nevadans.  

Susie Lee voted against common sense legislation to lower home annual energy costs by an average of $795 per household. As a result of Susie Lee’s policies, Las Vegas-area residents are paying 37% more for their electric bills since 2020

nevada rep susie lee
nevada rep susie lee

Susie Lee opposes legislation that would protect - and educate - nevada's children


Shady Susie backed legislation to allow biological males into girls’ and women’s private spaces, including bathrooms, locker rooms, domestic violence shelters, waxing salons, and dressing rooms.

Shady Susie voted against a bill to prohibit biological males from competing as transgender athletes in girls’ and women’s sports at schools across the country.

Shady Susie believes that only wealthy families should be able to send their children to a quality school well-suited for the individual needs of their children.

She opposes parental choice efforts like educational savings accounts, which would send more lower-income and minority students to higher-performing schools.

But she sent her own daughter to the Hotchkiss School, a $72,000 a year boarding school in Connecticut.

Shady Susie is a member of – and receives campaign contributions from – the far-left Congressional Equality Caucus. The outfit supports taxpayer-funded sex-change treatments for minors and promotes sexual orientation and gender identity “ideology at the cost religious freedom and free speech.”

Susie Lee Worked to hide Joe Biden's Mental decline - putting party politics over her constituents best interests

Shady Susie endorsed President Biden even after spending time with him in recent months and worked with other Democrats to hide his failing mental state which, once exposed, forced him to withdraw from his campaign for reelection.

Biden has been one of the most successful presidents of our lifetime.

president joe biden speech
nevada rep susie lee

Susie Lee opposed efforts to bring down the costs for nevada's seniors

Susie Lee Will Cut Your Social Security Benefits by 17%

As a result of Susie Lee’s unwillingness to cut wasteful spending, stop raiding Social Security funds for pet projects, and balance the budget, the Social Security Administration is planning to reduce Social Security benefits by 17% across the board beginning in 2035.

Susie Lee Supports Destroying Medicare Advantage

Susie Lee is killing Medicare Advantage by refusing to allow the reimbursement rates Advantage plans to keep up with inflation. As a result, doctors and healthcare facilities are fleeing the system, leaving 62% of seniors and people with disabilities without their doctors and unable to access critical healthcare services.

Susie Lee Has Massively Increased The Cost of Prescription Drugs For Seniors

Susie Lee takes credit for capping the cost of 10 prescription drugs. In reality, she actually voted to pay for those lower cost by TRIPLING the premium seniors pay for their Medicare Part D drug coverage and making dozens of life-saving drugs unavailable to Americans.

Susie Lee repeatedly voted against legislation aimed at securing our southern border


Shady Susie voted against the SAFE Act, which would simply require voters to provide proof of citizenship when registering to vote.

Susie Lee has repeatedly voted against legislation aimed at securing our southern border and ending America’s illegal immigration crisis.

Shady Susie opposed legislation that:

  • hired more border agents,
  • increased penalties for individuals who overstay their visas, and
  • cracked down on the employment of undocumented workers.

Lee even mocked the idea of funding the border wall.

She is responsible for the 15 million illegal immigrants that have flooded into America.

Shady Susie voted in favor of the American Rescue Plan Act, which allowed the 2.7 million illegal immigrants who have Social Security numbers to receive taxpayer-funded stimulus checks.

Shady Susie voted to end President Trump’s National Emergency Declaration to address the border crisis. In April of this year, Lee voted against a bill to fund additional construction of a border wall, bolster Customs and Border Protection, reopen border detention facilities, and limit asylum applications and eligibility. As a result of Lee’s stances, the number of illegal immigrants residing in the United States is expected to top 17 million this year.

nevada rep susie lee
nevada rep susie lee

Anti-Israel Susie Lee Chooses Terrorists over our ally in the middle east


Shady Susie has gone to extremes to jeopardize Jewish lives and make Israel as vulnerable to missile and drone attacks as possible.

She voted against a bill to provide $73 million towards strengthening Israel’s life-saving Iron Dome defense program. Lee later voted against a bill to provide $500 million in cooperative missile defense programs with Israel and also opposed $177 Million in support for Israel’s Short-Range Ballistic Missile Defense Program.

Emergency Security Supplemental To Respond To January 6th Appropriations Act 2021, Congressional Record Vol. 167 No.88, House Of Representatives, 5/20/21, H.R. 3237, Roll Call #155, Rejected 209-218: R 209-1, D 0-217, 5/20/21 Lee Voted Nay; CQ Summary, Accessed 10/10/23; Emergency Security Supplemental To Respond To January 6th Appropriations Act 2021, Congressional Record Vol. 167 No.88, House Of Representatives, 5/20/21, Lee Voted Against A Defense Bill That Would Provide $500 Million In Cooperative Missile Defense Programs With Israel 

Shady Susie voted against a bill “that would provide $14.3 billion in security assistance for Israel to defend itself in its war with Hamas.” 

Shady Susie votes with pro-Hamas, anti-American communist Squad members, including Reps. Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, as much as 92% of the time.

The Biden/Harris administration funneled $1 billion to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, which supports Hamas. Additionally, Hamas stole millions of dollars worth of fuel, medical supplies, and food paid for by American taxpayers. Shady Susie voted to reject legislation aimed at preventing U.S. tax dollars from helping Hamas.

Shady Susie refused to vote to condemn Iran’s April 13, 2024, drone and missile attack on Israel. She also did not vote to consider tougher sanctions against Iran for the country’s role in housing anti-Israel terrorists. Lee even voted against a Democrat measure to refuse to ease sanctions if Iran found expanding its nuclear program, supporting terrorists, or violating human rights.

H. Res 1143, Roll Call Vote #141, 4/18/24; H.R. 4691, Roll Call Vote #138, 4/17/24, HR 5961, Roll Call Vote #685, Amendment No. 10: Passed 399-28: R 190-26; D 209-2; 11/30/23, Lee Voted Nay; CQ Summary, Accessed 12/1/23

Susie Lee is no friend to our nation's brave first responders


Shady Susie Lee voted against a motion that condemned calls to “defund,” “dismantle,” or “abolish” the police.

She also received donations from radical extremist groups, including MoveOn.org and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Courage To Change PAC that supported defunding the police.

Shady Susie cosponsored a resolution condemning policing in America as systemically racist. 

Shady Susie supported the leftist extremist pro-criminal George Floyd Justice In Policing Act, which would have caused thousands of police officers to flee the profession and “cost local law enforcement agencies hundreds of millions of dollars.”

nevada rep susie lee

"Like, the biggest worry about inflation is people start to fear inflation."

In response to a chocolate factory closing down in her hometown, Shady Susie callously said, “Well, at least it saved me five pounds this Christmas.”

3.Remarks At A Virtual Fundraiser, 9/25/21), Minute 51:43 – 52:41

4. Remarks At A Virtual Fundraiser, 9/25/21, Minute 53:39 – 54:08

Susie Lee has a history of flippant, insensitive comments about inflation

That’s not a surprise since she’s worth tens of millions of dollars and has never had a real job in her entire adult life!

Here are some of Susie’s most outrageous comments about the inflation that has devastated hard-working Southern Nevadans:

“Personally, I say, I acknowledge that things are getting expensive, but I'm not going to apologize for it.”

"We’ve had inflation before in this country. This is something we will deal with."

"Like, the biggest worry about inflation is people start to fear inflation."

In response to a chocolate factory closing down in her hometown, Shady Susie callously said, “Well, at least it saved me five pounds this Christmas.”

3.Remarks At A Virtual Fundraiser, 9/25/21), Minute 51:43 – 52:41

4. Remarks At A Virtual Fundraiser, 9/25/21, Minute 53:39 – 54:08

Susie Lee believes the government owns your body

Shady Susie voted against legislation to ban tax dollars from funding Covid-19 mask and vaccine mandates.

nevada rep susie lee
nevada rep susie lee

Environmental Extremist Susie Lee wants to ban your gas stove and your gas-powered automobile

Susie Lee has poured billions of tax dollars into green energy boondoggles and has voted in support of outrageous stances, including working to ban gasoline-powered automobiles and natural gas-powered ranges.

Susie Lee's First Job as an adult was serving in congress

Susie never worked a day in her life after beginning a relationship with multi-millionaire casino heir Dan Lee, her husband from 2005 until their 2021 divorce.

She volunteered for political campaigns, used Dan’s money to buy seats on nonprofit boards, and tried to buy various elections, including lieutenant governor in 2014 and the 4th congressional district seat in 2016.

According to IRS records for the nonprofit boards she served on, she never volunteered more than two hours a week.

nevada rep susie lee

Susie Lee Embarrassed Her Constituents By Appearing Drunk on stage

Susie Lee danced “like she’s at Burning Man after a three-day bender” before giving an “angry drunk” speech with “drunken eyes” at a 2022 election rally at Cheyenne High School.

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